package org.mymodule;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
import org.mymodule.modules.util.LMLab;
import org.netsnmp.* ;
import org.netsnmp.ASN.INTEGER;
import org.netsnmp.ASN.OCTET_STR ;
public class Snmp extends SecureScreen {
public void doBuildTemplate(RunData data, Context context) throws Exception
LMLab lab = (LMLab)data.getSession().getAttribute("sellab");
String community = lab.getCommunitystr();
if ((community == null)||(community.equals("")))
throw new Exception("ERROR-NO COMMUNITY STRING");
NetSNMPSession session ;
MyListener listener ;
PDU pdu ;
OID sysLocationOID ;
INTEGER lineno;
int lnlength;
String host = data.getParameters().getString("ip",null);
//String community = "private";
String newLocation = data.getParameters().getString("port",null);
if (host == null)
throw new Exception("ERROR-NO HOST");
if (newLocation == null)
throw new Exception("ERROR-NO PORT");
lnlength =newLocation.length() ;
if (lnlength >2)
lineno = new INTEGER(Integer.valueOf(newLocation.substring(lnlength-2,lnlength)).intValue());
lineno = new INTEGER(Integer.valueOf(newLocation).intValue());
* Open a session to the remote host
session = new NetSNMPSession(host, community) ;
* Create a PDU that will perform a 'SET' operation
pdu = new PDU(NetSNMP.MSG_SET) ;
* Create an OID for the systemLocation
try {
//sysLocationOID = new DefaultOID("SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0") ;
//sysLocationOID = new DefaultOID("SNMPv2-MIB::tsClrTtyLine.0") ;
sysLocationOID = new DefaultOID(".") ;
* Add an OCTET_STR value to the PDU that will contain the new
* system location.
//pdu.addEntry(sysLocationOID, new OCTET_STR(" integer "+newLocation)) ;
// pdu.append()
PDU.entry pe = new PDU.entry(sysLocationOID,lineno);
PDU.entry[] peArray = {pe};
* create a new listener instance and add it to the listeners for the session
listener = new MyListener() ;
session.addListener(listener) ;
synchronized ( listener ) {
session.send(pdu, null) ;
listener.wait() ;
if( listener.success )
else {
//System.out.println("operation failed") ;
catch( MIBItemNotFound e ) {
/*System.out.println("The sysLocation Object was not found.") ;
System.out.println("Please ensure that the MIBDIRS and MIBS") ;
System.out.println("environmental variables are set properly");*/
return ; // NOT REACHED
catch (NetSNMPSendError e) {
//System.out.println("An error occurred sending the pdu") ;
catch (InterruptedException e) {
//System.out.println("the wait operation was interrupted") ;
catch(Exception e)
* The actionPerformed method will be called on a different thread. Synchronize
* this thread with the thread that it will be called upon with a 'synchronized' block.
/*synchronized ( listener ) {
try {*/
* Send the pdu to the remote agent
//session.send(pdu, null) ;
* wait for the listener actionPerformed method to notify that
* operation has been completed
/*listener.wait() ;
if( !listener.success ) {
System.out.println("operation failed") ;
} // try
catch (NetSNMPSendError e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred sending the pdu") ;
catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("the wait operation was interrupted") ;
} // synchronized
* Class that will receive and process the response from the remote agent.
public static class MyListener implements NetSNMPAction {
boolean success = true ;
* @see org.netsnmp.NetSNMPAction#actionPerformed(int, NetSNMPSession, PDU, Object)
public synchronized boolean actionPerformed(int result, NetSNMPSession session, PDU pdu, Object o) throws Throwable {
if( result == NetSNMP.STAT_TIMEOUT ) {
//System.out.println("Operation timed out. Ensure that your remote agent is running and that the community parameter is correct") ;
success = false ;
this.notify() ; // notify that the operation has completed
return true ; // keep calling other registerred listeners, if any
} // if
if( pdu.errStatus != 0 ) {
//System.out.println("Set operation failed. Ensure that the security info you specified provides write access to the sysLocation Object") ;
success = false ;
this.notify() ; // notify that the operation has completed
return true ;
this.notify() ; // notify that the operation has completed
return true ;
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
SNMP Call from Java
SNMP code for clearning a port using SNMPJ , I have implemented this in Turbine/Velocity framework as an ajax call .
Dynamic SQL from Java use any number of parameters
Following is the Code that uses Java and Oracle . Its an utility to do a dynamic search without defining the sql . SQL is generated on the fly ( dynamically ) at runtime . You may have to tweak the sql generated for your purpose , but you can resue most of the Code
Params can be changed to include a variety of search options
1.Quotes for Exact Search
2. % for wider search
- abc% means starts with "abc"
- %xyz means ends with "xyz"
3.Use () to specify OR condition e.g.,(abc , efg)
4.Search is Non-Case Sensitive
One limitation is that all the parameters are created by AND condition .However you can extend the utility class to include
that feature too .
Sql Utlity class
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class Sql {
private String sOn ; // column name to search
private String sParam; // exact search parameter
public Sql(String sOn , String sParam)
this.sOn = sOn;
this.sParam = sParam;
// Generate the sql
public String getSQL()
StringBuffer sSql = new StringBuffer();
String sToken = new String();
String sTemp = new String();
if(sParam.startsWith("\"")&& sParam.endsWith("\""))
sSql.append("AND UPPER(").append(sOn).append(") =").append("'").append((sParam.substring(sParam.indexOf("\"")+1,sParam.lastIndexOf("\""))).toUpperCase()).append("'");
}else if(sParam.startsWith("(")&& sParam.endsWith(")"))
sTemp = sParam.substring(sParam.indexOf("(")+1,sParam.indexOf(")")) ;
sSql.append("AND UPPER(").append(sOn).append(") IN (");
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(sTemp,",");
while ( st1.hasMoreTokens() ) {
sToken = st1.nextToken();
if(sToken !=null)
sToken = sToken.trim().toUpperCase();
sSql = new StringBuffer(sSql.substring(0,sSql.length()-1)) ;
else if(sParam.startsWith("%") || sParam.endsWith("%"))
sSql.append("AND UPPER(").append(sOn).append(") LIKE '").append(sParam.toUpperCase()).append("'");
}else if(sParam!=null&& !sParam.equals(""))
sSql.append("AND UPPER(").append(sOn).append(") LIKE '%").append(sParam.toUpperCase()).append("%'");
return sSql.toString();
Utlity method
public String getSearchSQL(Vector v)
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
for(Enumeration e=v.elements();e.hasMoreElements();)
sql.append(((Sql)e.nextElement()).getSQL() );
return sql.toString();
Application Logic
Vector v = new Vector();
v.add(new Sql("<name of table column name>", <value to search on use empty string if null> ));
.....repeat for all the parameters to be searched on
<sql string> = getSearchSQL(v);
Bingo !
Velocity templates to send email
Here is a code sample for creating email from Velocity
Template template = null;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
try {
template = Velocity.getTemplate();
catch (Exception e) {
StringBuffer sb = sw.getBuffer();
return sb.toString();
Passing arrays to Oracle stored procedures
Here is a how to pass an array ( Collection ) from java to oracle stored procedure as an IN Variable
Create varray
have the created VARRAY as a invariable in your procedure
You can loop through the array in this way
Import the following to the database utility class
import oracle.sql.ARRAY;
import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor;
ArrayDescriptor empIds= ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("EID", );
ARRAY empIdsarray= new ARRAY(empIds, con,(Object [])v.toArray() );
// v is the vector of employee id's
It served a good purpose for me when there is a lot of data to be passed from java to oracle.The peformance improvement is tremendous .
Using Velocity Templates with AJAX
I am going to show a very simple example of how to use Ajax with your velocity templates .
I was using Turbine/Velocity framework for my project and was really wanted to use Ajax . So my first thought was why not create XML templates in Velocity . I found that its actually pretty easy to set that up .
First make sure that the framework treats the xml as a velocity template . For Turbine Velocity framework I changed the TR.props to the following
Create the xml document that you can use in in AJAX .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
#foreach($ditems in $devices)
<device id="$ditems.getDeviceid()" name="$!ditems.getName()">1</device>
then you can create a server side screen class for the xml .
make sure you setup the context type to xml
E,g from my Implementation
context.put("devices",<Vector of devices>);
Compile and deploy it
Bingo ! You can test the xml from your browser by passing the necessary name/value pairs
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