Friday, September 23, 2016

Simple framework to Test your REST API

REST api testing made easy .

I am constantly involved in developing backend services for team and
worked on simple framework to test the services. Here is thought behind the framework .

Http Responses Validation

Services provide a response to indicate if the request was successful .
Usual Check  is HTTP Status  =200 . Also usually  part of JSON response is used to validate
eg  "status":"OK" . Framework adapts to these conditions and would validate the response for all request . More test can be easily added on top of base validation

Set URL , HTTP Headers once 

Base URL and the HTTP Headers to be setup can be setup once
and can be reused for all the tests .

Use Mustache templates to define HTTP Post and Put Payload

payload for POST and PUT are usually JSON and this can be easily setup as templates
This is the one from my example
Data for the template can be driven from JSON.
Framework converts   JSON -> Java Object  and Object is used to populate the template .

Example of JSON data to populate the above template

Easily setup for multiple environments 

You can rerun the test for other environments by setting up different data
and changing the Base url

framework is powered by RestAssured , hamcrest and mustache

Check out the code at