Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Spring api docs using swagger

Just want to write a quick post on need for API specifications for your REST services. This is especially important if you are adopting microservices .

How to provide documentation for your api's ?  What information is required and how to provide this information that can be easily understood and used by other teams?   .

This concept is same as WSDL when using a SOAP service , the interesting thing is when ever we want to consume a soap service immediately WSDL comes to mind . But so far I haven't seen this adoption to REST based service . Industry is moving towards a  micro-service model and light weight api's  become ubiquitous this becomes a compelling need.

Swagger comes to the rescue in providing specifications for  defining the interface to the rest service.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAPI_Specification. Most important thing is when you use a framework like spring you  don't have to understand swagger to the extent of writing them manually . Spring can do that for you .

Here is how you do it

Include swagger library in pom.xml ( version I use in 2.7.0 , you can use the latest )


Enable swagger Configuration . I am using Swagger 2 , use the version that is accepted with in your organization 

public class SwaggerConfig {                                    
    public Docket api() { 
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)  

Now when you start your spring boot application
the api docs are available , it provides all the information for your consumers


All these data along with the model objects are now part of my specification . I can share this information with other teams that want to consume my service .

As your application grows and model changes the documentation is automatically reflected with the latest information .

Here is an complete example in github

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Spring Integration file processing using DSL

Simple Example of File processing using Spring Integration 

Here is my use case , watch directory for new file and process files of certain format ( e.g *.txt ) . Process them and send to Message queue .

Spring  integration can be used for both file processing and message queue . This blog provides example for  watching file folder for changes and invoking a message

Its elegant and straight forward , example here watches directory in a certain directory and then process the files of type text .


Note : Example here will get you started , if you need to implement in load balanced environment , the "AcceptOnceFileListFilter" may not be enough , you will need persistent storage and use "FileSystemPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter"

Friday, July 14, 2017

Fun with IOT

Publish -> Analyze -> Utilize

First project that I wanted to try when I looked at GrovePi and the connectors .

Architecture has 3 main components

  • Edge - Get data temperature , light and humid readings and publish to the server
  • Data Platform - Consume the data provided by Edge and store . Provide api to get analysis on the data
  • Client - this can be anything that consumes rest api , mobile app or Alexa ( its fun this way !)


Raspberry Pi and GrovePi module with the connectors act as the Edge .
Python module continuously  reads the readings every minute and pushes
to the server using Rest api .

You need :  Raspberry and Grove pi with the Grove Sensors for Temp/Humidity ,light and Sound
Github Link : https://github.com/arun2dot0/APIPython

Data Platform

API interfaces to consume the data from edge and store . Developed using Spring Boot
Data can be stored in any db of your choice based on the analytical needs .
This project I have used Redis to store maximum of
100 values to provide simple analytics ( Average and Latest readings) on that data .
Readings are also exposed as rest api .

You need : Cloud setup ( google cloud or aws ) . I setup my server in google cloud . If you need same setup
details are in the github link
Github Link :https://github.com/arun2dot0/metrics-rest-service-redis.git


Rest API exposed can be consumed by mobile app . Its fun to integrate with Alexa to
get the readings . You will find the details in github link

Alexa : you will need to create aws account and code using aws lambda
Github Link :https://github.com/arun2dot0/AlexaSensorDataNodeJS

It's a fun project and just to get hands on IOT . Edge , Platform and Client
are totally decoupled and can be easily changed for a different use case .
Although it's a simple project it get exposure to variety of technologies
Python , Java , Spring Boot , Redis , Node js and AWS Lambda's


Did you find it useful , did you try it ,  hack it , improve it ?
do share in the comments below

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

IoT hands on using AWS Lamba - Spring Boot - RaspberryPi GrovePi

Started playing with the GrovePi Starter kit for RaspberryPi.
I chose GrovePi  this as there is no complex wiring, have a look at how nicely it fits the Raspberry pi .

I got involved  and able to get some sensor data easily using GrovePi Software, checkout
projects in

Here is the tutorial on the first project ..

Journey starts ...

After that I did couple of others , like home weather display and twitter feed .
I got excited now I want to do more , I want to do analytics . So  was thinking about gathering data from sensors- temperature , humidity  , sound and light readings and send it to thecloud for doing analytics . Python was new to me , but want to use it any way as I can learn a new language.It was easy and I wasn't stuck  with any thing .It was fun learning as well .
Go Python !

Data Layer 

Now I have to push data to a Data layer . Why not use an instance in  Google Cloud (they are giving 300$ in free credit!) .Rest API in cloud will be based on Java and Spring Boot .
Data will be stored in redis , as I don't want to store a lot of data . Just last 100 readings
or so and get the current and average readings from  the sensors ( this project info is in http://ajaxrocks.blogspot.com/2017/07/fun-with-iot.html ) for this but current integration is only for PubNub

Alexa Skill

While all this was going on , I see Alexa app demos . So I started looking into that
as well . Started building a sample app , using AWS Lambda's .. hey!! ..always want to get my hands on server-less programming as well . Alexa sample app Tutorial used node js .. this is good , I can sharpen my node js skills . Okay I built the sample app .. It was so much fun , the sample app used Facts as an array (that are  hardcoded ) . When you invoke it using Alexa , it chooses one of the Fact
randomly . Fun part is you change all the facts and then keep asking facts !!  . See programming can be fun

Picture Time ..
Concept is actually the time triggered to take 
picture instead of LED blink

Messaging using PubNub

While all this was going on , I learnt about PubNub in DevNetCreate conference
It provides Infrastructure as a Service for doing messaging . they have SDK for almost all the languages I use .Cool , now I can invoke the GroveSensors ( Light on ! ) using PubNub message . Tried it it worked great .. hey .. Next part if you haven't already guessed I can use Alexa to invoke it .. Yeah !

Rewiring to use API 

All set now I invoke , node js call to PubNub worked great .Deployed to AWS , now it just doesn't want to work !! Hmmmm... may be I am doing something wrong .. setup security , network interfaces .. still not working .. Don't know what the real reason was .Why waste time on this , let me set this up as a rest api in google cloud and use Alexa skill ( node js) to call that api... hey that can work .... setup the api .. changed the alexa app and everything worked like a charm

Shoutout to Alexa SDK, Google Cloud , PubNub , Raspberry Pi and Grove Pi ... Thanks Guys


Learn it  ,Use it , Hack it  

This project was fun , it also helped understand technologies involved with IOT better .
Learn  new languages in a very pragmatic way . I have all the code I used in the github links
, so play with them , hack them for your use case , make them better ..

github links

Code for AWS Lambda ( Node js)
Code for API  ( I setup in google cloud)
Code for Raspberry pi ( Python )