Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SOAP UI Dynamic mock service using Groovy Script

SOAP UI Dynamic mock service using Groovy Script

Create dynamic mock service using SOAP UI . You will just need the WSDL . You should be familiar using the soap ui and creating the mock service . Following is to only make it dynamic
  1. Create a SoapUI project using the WSDL . Right click and select the mock service .
  2. Select the  WebService Method and Open the Response that has to be customized
  3. Create two files for Success and Error response and place them in folder  {Project-Path}/responses
  4. WebService Response ( Right portion of the Soap UI Window )will be made dynamic based on request.  Delete everything from mock response and  replace with${content} .  This value will be dynamically rendered from  groovy script
  5. Choose Dispatch -> Script , and then choose Dynamic Reponse
  6. Use the groovy script below , to render Success and Error Responses .

It works in the following way ,

  • if quotenumber is 9999  - send Error response
  • anything else - send Success Response

Now you can create more test cases and test them by changing the input in the xml . Providing  the input , output and the script below

Input ( for ref )

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:test="">













<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:test="">

















<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:test="">











           <errorDetail>Something failed </errorDetail>





Groovy Script

import groovy.xml.XmlUtil 'start'

def groovyUtils = new GroovyUtils(context)

def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

def responseContent

def requestXmlHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.getRequestContent())


def quoteNumber = requestXmlHolder.getNodeValue("//test:Quote/QuoteRequest[1]/quoteNumber[1]")  quoteNumber

if(quoteNumber == '9999')


responseContent = xmlParser.parse(groovyUtils.projectPath +"/responses/error-response.xml")




responseContent = xmlParser.parse(groovyUtils.projectPath +"/responses/success-response.xml")


context.content = XmlUtil.serialize(responseContent) 'complete'

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